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Finally the cool weather is upon us. What I find fascinating is when it was warmer weather some folks said it was too warm. Now that cold weather is the news folks say it's too cold.  

I say every day is cycling weather, the question is it worth the suffering?

Being in the more senior group these days I notice my zeal is always improving. There's always a new PR just around the corner whether it be the altitude, time trial, or a century elapsed time PR they seem to still be there, and sitting in a house will not challenge that inner spirit until action is taken no matter the weather conditions or how motivated we feel unless there is an underlying medical condition.

Winter Cycling Image

I take a new approach when killin' the PRs. I get on the bike and give it my best from the start with no holding back and now that many of my rides are duplicates that have been recorded on Strava, Kamoot, and Wahoo it is easy to dissect the segments almost down to the inch.

Currently I use a Wahoo Element Bolt. It's fairly impressive on battery life even in the cold weather and plays nice with other apps like Strava and Kamoot which makes it nice when each of them bring something to the table like one has great root planning while another may have better features when looking at ride telemetry.

Fall Cycling Season 2023

Article 1 will talk about stuff.

Winter Cycling Season 2024 

Article 2 will talk about stuff.

Dogs Love Winter Time Excersize   

Article 3 will talk about stuff.

Winter Time CyclingSetup

Winter time cycling has its challenges but cyclists are master for mitigating discomfort, click here to find out some of my tricks  .